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A Night at the Opera

Saturday, May 11, 2024
7:00 PM
McVinney Auditorum


(Scroll down for text and translations)


Chorus of wedding guests (Lucia di Lammermoor), Donizetti

Chorus and Travis Benoit, Tenor


Polovtsian dances (Prince Igor), Borodin



Musetta’s waltz (La bohème), Puccini

Chelsea Basler, Soprano


Easter hymn (Cavalleria Rusticana), Mascagni

Chelsea Basler and chorus


Sous le dôme épais (Lakmé), Delibes

Chorus sopranos and altos


Casta Diva (Norma), Bellini

Chelsea Basler and chorus


Anvil chorus (Il Trovatore), Verdi


A real, slow drag (Treemonisha), Joplin

Chelsea Basler and chorus

Emilee Eastman, Soprano


Rataplan (La forza del destino), Verdi

Chelsea Basler and chorus

Bridal chorus (Lohengrin) Wagner



Ain’t it a pretty night (Susannah), Floyd

Chelsea Basler


Triumphal scene (Aida), Verdi

Va pensiero (Nabucco), Verdi



O mio babbino caro (Gianni Schicchi), Puccini

Chelsea Basler


March of the toreadors (Carmen), Bizet


Grammy Award-nominated soprano Chelsea Basler continues to make her mark on an extensive array of operatic roles with her unique combination of vocal appeal and artistry. Praised for her "luminous voice" with its "easy soaring range," she has been noted for her "wonderful acting" and declared "simply superb" by Opera Today. In the spring of 2019, Ms. Basler appeared with the Boston Lyric Opera as Moira in Poultries Ruder's The Handmaid's Tale and made a company debut with Boston Midsummer opera as Clorinda in La Cenerentola. In the fall of 2019, Ms. Basler joined the Metropolitan Opera roster, covering Pousette in Manon. Her other roles include Micaëla in Carmen, the High Priestess in Aida, Valencienne in The Merry Widow, Glasha in Katya Kabonova, and the title role of Carlisle Floyd's Susannah.

This will be Ms. Basler's third appearance with the Providence Singers, the most recent being the soprano solo in Brahm's Requiem in November 2021. Her stunning performance in Kim André Arensen's choral symphony The Wound in the Water can be heard on the Providence Singer's YouTube channel.  



Chorus of wedding guests (Lucia di Lammermoor), Donizetti

D'immenso giubilo
s'innalzi un grido,
corra la Scozia
di lido in lido,
e avverta i perfidi
nostri nemici
che a noi sorridono
le stelle ancor.
Che più terribili,
che più felici,
ne rende l'aura
d'alto favor,
e avverta i perfidi
nostri nemici,

Let us raise our voices
in wild jubilation,
to rouse Scotland
from shore to shore
and warn our
perfidious enemies
that fortune smiles
on us again.
We are happier
and more fearsome,
favoured by
a powerful protector,
and warn our
perfidious enemies,

Polovtsian dances (Prince Igor), Borodin

The Flowing Dance of Young Maidens

Fly away on the wings of the wind
To our native land
0, you, our native song.
To that place where we sang to you so freely,
Where things were so idyllic for you and me.
There under the sultry sky
The air is full of bliss.
There under the murmur of the sea
The hills slumber under the clouds.
There the sun shines so brightly,
Our native hills are flooded with light,
In the valleys splendid roses bloom,
Nightingales sing in the green forests
And the sweet grape grows.

0, fly away there.

Dance of the Savage Men – Interlude

The General Dance

Sing songs of praise to the Khan! Sing!
Praise the courage of the Khan! Praise!
Glorious Khan! He is our glorious Khan!
With a blaze of glory equal to the sun is our Khan.
There is no one equal in glory to the Khan. None!

Dance of the Slaves

Prisoners of the Khan, praise the Khan!
Sing songs of praise to the Khan, Sing!
Praise his generosity, praise his kindness, Praise!
For his enemies he is terrible, our Khan!
Who can be equal in glory to the Khan? Who?
With a blaze of glory equal to the sun is he.

Equal to the glory of our forefathers is our Khan,
Khan, Khan Konchak.
Glorious Khan, Khan Konchak.

Flowing Dance of Young Maidens – reprise

Fly away … [repeat]

Dance of the Young Boys – Interlude

Dance of the Men

Equal to the glory of our forefathers is our Khan,
Khan, Khan Konchak.
The Terrible Khan Konchak.

Musetta’s waltz (La bohème), Puccini

Quando men vo soletta per la via,
La gente sosta e mira
E la bellezza mia tutta ricerca in me
Da capo a pie'...

Ed assaporo allor la bramosia
Sottil, che da gli occhi traspira
E dai palesi vezzi intender sa
Alle occulte beltà.
Così l'effluvio del desìo tutta m'aggira,
Felice mi fa!

E tu che sai, che memori e ti struggi
Da me tanto rifuggi?
So ben:
le angoscie tue non le vuoi dir,
Ma ti senti morir!

When I walk alone on the streets,
People stop and stare
And examine my beauty
From head to toe

And then I savor the cravings
which from their eyes transpires
And from the obvious charms they perceive
The hidden beauties.
So the scent of desire is all around me,
It makes me happy!

And you who know, who remembers and yearns,
You shrink from me?
I know why this is:
You do not want to tell me of your anguish,
But you feel like dying!

Easter hymn (Cavalleria Rusticana), Mascagni


(interno della chiesa)

Regina coeli laetare.


Quia quem meruisti portare


resurrexit sicut dixit,

resurrexit sicut dixit.




(sulla piazza)

Inneggiamo il Signor non è morto!

Ei fulgente ha dischiuso l'avel!

Inneggiamo al Signore risorto,

oggi asceso alla gloria del Ciel!

Ei fulgente ha dischiuso l'avel!

Inneggiamo al Signore risorto,

oggi asceso alla gloria del Ciel!



Inneggiamo al Signor non è morto!

Inneggiamo al Signore risorto

oggi asceso alla gloria,

alla gloria del Ciel,

alla gloria del Ciel!



alla gloria del Ciel!






Inneggiamo il Signor non è morto!



Ei fulgente ha dischiuso l'avel!



Inneggiamo al Signore risorto

oggi asceso ...



Inneggiamo al Signore risorto

oggi asceso ...


... alla gloria del Ciel!


(inside the church)

Queen of heaven, rejoice!


Because whom you were worthy to bear


has arisen as He said,

has arisen as He said.




(in the square)

Exalt, the Lord is not dead!

He, bright shining, has opened the tomb!

Let us sing praise unto the arisen Lord,

today ascended to the glory of Heaven!

He, bright shining, has opened the tomb!

Let us sing praise unto the arisen Lord,

today ascended to the glory of Heaven



Let us sing praise unto the Lord, he is not dead!

Let us sing praise unto the arisen Lord,

today ascended to the glory,

to the glory of Heaven,

to the glory of Heaven!



to the glory of Heaven!






Exalt, the Lord is not dead!



He, bright shining, has opened the tomb!



Let us sing praise unto the arisen Lord,

today ascended ...



Let us sing praise unto the arisen Lord,

today ascended ...


... to the glory of Heaven!

Sous le dôme épais (Lakmé), Delibes

Sous le dôme épais où le blanc jasmin

À la rose s'assemble,

Sur la rive en fleurs, riant au matin,

Viens, descendons ensemble.

Doucement glissons:

De son flot charmant

Sui vons le courant fuyant;

Dans l'onde fréissante,

D'une main non chalante

Viens, gagnons le bord,

Où la source dort,

Où l'oiseau chante!

Sous le dôme épais où le blanc jasmin.

Nous appellent ensemble!

Under the thick dome where the white jasmine

Entwines with the rose,

On the flowering shore, laughing in the morning,

Come, let's go down together,

Slowly let's slide;

On its charming flow

Let's follow the fleeing current:

In the trembling waves,

With a nonchalant hand

Come, let's reach the edge

Where the river source sleeps,

Where the bird sings!

Under the thick dome where the white jasmine.

Call us together!

Casta Diva (Norma), Bellini


Casta Diva, che inargenti

Queste sacre antiche piante,

Al noi volgi il bel sembiante,

Senza nube e senza vel!



Casta Diva, che inargenti

Queste sacre antiche piante,

Al noi volgi il bel sembiante,

Senza nube e senza vel!



Tempra, o Diva,

Tempra tu de' cori ardenti,

Tempra ancora lo zelo audace.

Spargi in terra quella pace

Che regnar tu fai nel ciel.



Diva, spargi in terra quella pace

Quella pace che regnar tu fai nel ciel.


Most High Goddess, what silver

These sacred ancient plants,

You turn your beautiful face towards us,

Unclouded and slowly!



Most High Goddess, what silver

These sacred ancient plants,

You turn your beautiful face towards us,

Unclouded and slowly!



Temper, oh Goddess,

Temper the ardent choirs,

Temper again your bold zeal.

Spread on earth that peace

You reign over  in heaven.



Goddess, spread on earth that peace

You reign over in heaven.

Anvil chorus (Il Trovatore), Verdi


Vedi! Le fosche notturne spoglie De' cieli sveste l'immensa volta; Sembra una vedova che alfin si toglie i bruni panni ond'era involta.

All'opra! all'opra! Dàgli, martella.

Chi del gitano i giorni abbella?

La zingarella!


Versami un tratto; lena e coraggio Il corpo e l'anima traggon dal bere.


Oh guarda, guarda! del sole un raggio Brilla più vivido nel mio [tuo] bicchiere! All'opra, all'opra!

Chi del gitano i giorni abbella?

La zingarella!



Look! The dark night clouds undress the immense vault of the sky,

Like a widow who finally sheds her dark clothing.

Get to work! Lift your hammers!

Who brings light and beauty to the Gypsy's day?

A Gypsy maiden!


Pour me a drink;  strength and courage flow from wine to the body and soul.


Oh, look, look!  The sun's rays shine brighter in your glass.

Get to work!

Who brings light and beauty to the Gypsy's day?

A Gypsy maiden!

A real, slow drag (Treemonisha), Joplin

Salute your partner do the drag,

Stop and move backward do the drag, All of you stop.

Look to your right and do the drag,

To your left, to your left,

That's the way.

Treemonisha and Lucy:
Marching onward, marching onward,

Marching to that lovely tune.

Marching onward, marching onward,

Happy as a bird in June.

Sliding onward, sliding onward,

Listen to that rag.
And skip,

And do that slow - o,

Do that slow drag.

Dance slowly, prance slowly,

While you hear that pretty rag.

Dance slowly, prance slowly,

Now you do the real slow drag.

Walk slowly, talk lowly,

Treemonisha, Lucy and Chorus:

Listen to that rag, listen to that rag.

And skip,

And do that slow - o,

Do that slow drag.


Move along,
Don't stop,
Don't stop dancing.

Drag along,


Move along,
Don't stop,
Don't stop dancing.
Drag along,
Doing the real slow drag.

Move along, etc.

Treemonisha, Lucy and Women:

Marching onward, marching onward,

Marching to that lovely tune.

Marching onward, marching onward,

Happy as a bird in June.

Sliding onward, sliding onward,

Listen to that rag.
And skip,

And do that slow - o,

Do that slow drag.

Dance slowly, prance slowly,

While you hear that pretty rag.

Dance slowly, prance slowly,

Now you do the real slow drag.

Walk slowly, talk lowly,
Listen to that rag, listen to that rag.

And skip,
And do that slow - o,
Do that slow drag.
Slow - o - o.

Rataplan (La forza del destino), Verdi

Preziolsilla e Coro

Rataplan, rataplan, della gloria
Nel soldato ritempra l'ardor;
Rataplan, rataplan, di vittoria
Questo suono è segnal percursor!

Rataplan, rataplan, or le schiere
Son guidate raccolte a pugnar!
Rataplan, rataplan, le bandiere
Del nemico si veggon piegar!

Rataplan, pim, pam, pum, inseguite
Chi la terga, fuggendo, voltò …
Rataplan, le gloriose ferite
Col trionfo il destin coronò.

Rataplan, rataplan, la vittoria
Più rifulge de' figli al valor! . . .
Rataplan, rataplan, la vittoria
Al guerriero conquista ogni cor.


Preziosilla and Choir

Rataplan, rataplan, strengthens
the love of glory in the soldier;
rataplan, rataplan, this sound
signals victory to come!

Rataplan, rataplan, the ranks are forming
and are led to combat!
Rataplan, rataplan, the enemy's flag
is seen to retreat!

Rataplan, plan, pim, pum, pum, pursue
those who turn tail and flee!
Destiny has crowned
your glorious wounds with triumph.

Rataplan, rataplan, the victory of one's country
shines brighter for her sons' gallantry.
Rataplan, rataplan, victory
wins every heart for the soldier.

Bridal chorus (Lohengrin) Wagner

Treulich geführt ziehet dahin,
wo euch der Segen der Liebe bewahr'!
Siegreicher Mut, Minnegewinn
eint euch in Treue zum seligsten Paar.
Streiter der Tugend, schreite voran!
Zierde der Jugend, schreite voran!
Rauschen des Festes seid nun entronnen,
Wonne des Herzens sei euch gewonnen!

Duftender Raum, zur Liebe geschmückt,
nehm' euch nun auf, dem Glanze entrückt.
Treulich geführt ziehet nun ein,
wo euch der Segen der Liebe bewahr'!
Siegreicher Mut, Minne so rein
eint euch in Treue zum seligsten Paar.

Faithfully guided, draw near
to where the blessing of love shall preserve you!
Triumphant courage, the reward of love,
joins you in faith as the happiest of couples!
Champion of virtue, proceed!
Jewel of youth, proceed!
Flee now the splendour of the wedding feast,
may the delights of the heart be yours!

This sweet-smelling room, decked for love,
now takes you in, away from the splendour.
Faithfully guided, draw now near
to where the blessing of love shall preserve you!
Triumphant courage, love so pure,
joins you in faith as the happiest of couples!

Ain’t it a pretty night (Susannah), Floyd

Ain't it a pretty night!
The sky's so dark and velvet-like
And it's all lit up with stars
It's like a great big mirror
Reflectin' fireflies over a pond
Look at all them stars, Little Bat
The longer y'look the more y'see
The sky seems so heavy with stars
That it might fall right down out of heaven
And cover us all up in one big blanket of velvet
All stitched with diamon's

Ain't it a pretty night
Just think, all those stars can all peep down
An' see way beyond where we can:
They can see way beyond them mountains
To Nashville and Asheville and Knoxville
I wonder what it's like out there
Out there beyond them mountains
Where the folks talk nice an' the folks dress nice
Like y'see in the mail order catalogs
I aim to leave this valley some day
An' find out for myself:
To see all the tall buildin's and all the street lights
An' to be one o'them folks myself

I wonder if I'd get lonesome fer the valley though
Fer the sound of crickets an' the smell of pine straw
Fer soft little rabbits an' bloomin' things
An' the mountains turnin' gold in the fall
But I could always come back I get homesick fer the valley
So I'll leave it someday an' see fer myself
Someday I'll leave an' then I'll come back
When I've seen what's beyond them mountains

Ain't it a pretty night
The sky's so heavy with stars tonight
That it could fall right down out of heaven
An' cover us up, and cover us up
In one big blanket of velvet and diamon's

Triumphal march (Aida), Verdi



Gloria all'Egitto e ad Iside

Che il sacro suol protegge;

Al Re che il Delta regge

Inni festosi alziam!

Vieni, o guerriero vindice,

Vieni a gioir con noi;

Sul passo degli eroi

I lauri e i fior versiam!



S'intrecci il loto al lauro

Sul crin dei vincitori

Nembo gentil di fiori

Stenda sull'armi un vel.

Danziam, fanciulle egizie,

Le mistiche carole,

Come d'intorno al sole

Danzano gli astri in ciel!



Della vittoria gli arbitri

Supremi il guardo ergete;

Grazie agli Dei rendete

Nel fortunato dì.


Glory to Isis and the land

By her firm arm protected!

To Egypt's King elected,

Raise we our festive songs!

Hither advance, oh glorious band,

Mingle your joy with ours,

Green bays and fragrant flowers

Scatter their path along.



The laurel with the lotus bound

The victors' brows enwreathing,

Let flowers, sweet perfume breathing,

Veil their grim arms from sight.

Dance, sons of Egypt, circling round,

And sing your mystic praises,

As round the sun in mazes

Dance the bright stars of night


Unto the powers war's issue dread

Deciding, our glances raise we

Thank we our gods, and praise we

On this triumphant day.

Va pensiero (Nabucco), Verdi

Va, pensiero, sull'ali dorate;
va, ti posa sui clivi, sui colli,
ove olezzano tepide e molli
l'aure dolci del suolo natal!

Del Giordano le rive saluta,
di Sionne le torri atterrate...
Oh, mia patria sì bella e perduta!
Oh, membranza sì cara e fatal!

Arpa d'or dei fatidici vati,
perché muta dal salice pendi?
Le memorie nel petto raccendi,
ci favella del tempo che fu!

O simile di Sòlima ai fati
traggi un suono di crudo lamento,
o t'ispiri il Signore un concento
che ne infonda al patire virtù!


Go, thoughts, on golden wings;
Go, settle upon the slopes and hills,
where warm and soft and fragrant are
the breezes of our sweet native land!

Greet the banks of the Jordan,
the towers of Zion ...
Oh my country so beautiful and lost!
Or so dear yet unhappy!

Or harp of the prophetic seers,
why do you hang silent from the willows?
Rekindle the memories within our hearts,
tell us about the time that have gone by

Or similar to the fate of Solomon,
give a sound of lament;
or let the Lord inspire a concert
That may give to endure our suffering.

O mio babbino caro (Gianni Schicchi), Puccini

O mio babbino caro
Mi piace è bello, bello
Vo' andare in Porta Rossa
A comperar l'anello

Sì, sì, ci voglio andare
E se l'amassi indarno
Andrei sul Ponte Vecchio
Ma per buttarmi in Arno
Mi struggo e mi tormento
O Dio, vorrei morir

Babbo, pietà, pietà
Babbo, pietà, pietà

Oh my dear papa
I like him, he is so handsome.
I want to go to Porta Rossa
To buy the ring!

Yes, yes, I want to go there!
And if my love were in vain,
I would go to the Ponte Vecchio
And throw myself in the Arno!
I am pining, I am tormented!
Oh God, I would want to die!

Father, have pity, have pity!
Father, have pity, have pity!

March of the toreadors (Carmen), Bizet

Votre toast, je peux vous le rendre
Señors, señors car avec les soldats
Oui les toreros peuvent s'entendre
Pour plaisirs, pour plaisirs ils ont les combats

Le cirque est plein, c'est jour de fête
Le cirque est plein du haut en bas
Les spectateurs perdant la tête
Les spectateurs s'interpellent à grands fracas

Apostrophes, cris et tapage poussés jusques à la fureur
Car c'est la fête du courage
C'est la fête des gens de cour
Allons en garde, allons, allons, ah

Toréador en garde
Toréador, toréador
Et songe bien, oui songe en combattant
Qu'un œil noir te regarde
Et que l'amour t'attend
Toréador l'amour, l'amour t'attend

Tout d'un coup, on fait silence
"ah que se passe-t-il?"
Plus de cris, c'est l'instant
Le taureau s'élance en bondissant, hors du toril

Il s'élance, il entre, il frappe
un cheval roule entraînant un picador
Ah bravo toro, hurle la foule
Le taureau va, il vient, il vient et frappe encore

En secouant ses banderilles
plein de fureur il court, le cirque est plein de sang
On se sauve, on franchit les grilles
C'est ton tour maintenant
Allons en garde, allons, allons, ah

Toréador en garde
Toréador, toréador
Et songe bien, oui songe en combattant
Qu'un œil noir te regarde
Et que l'amour t'attend
Toréador l'amour, l'amour t'attend

L'amour, l'amour, l'amour,

Toréador, toréador, l'amour t'attend

Your toast, I can give it to you

Sirs, sirs, for along with the soldiers

Yes, the Toreros, can understand;

For pleasures, for pleasures they have combats!

The arena is full, it is the feast day!

The arena is full, from top to bottom;

The spectators are losing their minds,

The spectators began a big fracas!

Apostrophes, cries, and uproar grow to a furor!

Because it is a celebration of courage!

It is the celebration of people with heart!

Let’s go, en guard! Let’s go! Let’s go! Ah!

Toreador, en guard!

Toreador, Toreador!

And dream away, yes, dream in combat,

That dark eyes are watching you,

And that love awaits you,

Toreador, love awaits you!

All of a sudden, it is silent...

Ah, what is happening?

More cries! It is the moment!

The bull throws himself out of the bullpen!

He rushes, he enters, he strikes

A horse rolls, dragging a picador,

"Ah, bravo, bull!" the crowd roars.

The bull comes, he comes, he comes and strikes again!

Shaking his dart-stabbed neck,

Full of fury, he runs! The arena is full of blood!

We run away, we leap the gates

It is your turn now.

Let’s go on guard!  Let’s go! Let’s go! Ah!

Toreador, en guard!

Toreador, Toreador!

And dream away, yes, dream in combat,

That dark eyes are watching you,

And that love awaits you,

Toreador, love awaits you!

Love! Love! Love!

Toreador, Toreador, love awaits you!

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